
INTERNATIONAL | The European Comission renews our Erasmus+ charter to 2027

With the maximum score of 100/100 for the submitted project, it is here a mark of recognition and support for GROUPE ESPI’s strategy and actions internationally.


Erasmus+ is the European Union’s program in favour of education, training, youth and sport in Europe. With a budget of 26 billion Euros for the 2021 – 2027 period, Erasmus+ offers the opportunity to study, train and acquire an experience abroad.


We’ve made of this goal the priority regarding our development, which benefits in particular our students who must now acquire international skills for an agile exercise of their future positions.


We are committing with conviction to contribute to the modernization and internationalization objectives of higher education, as well as to respect the European principles and requirements related to the ECHE Charter of the 2021 – 2027 program, that is to say:

  • Ensure equal opportunities for mobility beneficiaries (non-discrimination and inclusion).
  • Ensure the recognition of knowledge acquired in the activities done in the scope of Erasmus+ program.
  • Favour the implementation of the European student card initiative.
  • Encourage students to adopt environmentally friendly practices.
  • Promote the civic engagement and active citizenship of Esrasmus+ program’s participants.


Concretely, the renewal of the Erasmus+ Charter permits the pursue of student, teaching and staff mobility activities as part of the Erasmus+ program which engages dedicated financial aids.

Supported this way in our achievements, we continue the prospection for new European partners to offer more opportunities of experience and thus answer our students’ expectations.